Sunday, December 30, 2007

John Edwards - Champion of the Working Class or Limousine Liberal ?

Is John Edwards the champion for working-class Americans or is he a limousine liberal, whose extreme wealth and expensive taste and indulgences make his promise for "One America" seem disingenuous?

You decide. Make your case one way or the other. Be fair!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mitt Romney - Charismatic Leader or Religious Cultist?

Is former Governor Mitt Romney the charismatic leader that America is looking for or does he have the agenda of what many consider a religious cult in mind?

You decide. Make your case one way or the other. Be fair!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Mike Huckabee - Honest Leader or Spokesman for the Religious Right?

Is Mike Huckabee the honest leader that many have been looking for to move beyond political rhetoric or would he be a spokesman for the religious right using the Oval Office as the Baptist pulpit?