Sunday, August 10, 2008

John Edwards, Living a Lie.

Back on December 30, 2007 I posted the following to generate discussion about John Edward's candidacy for president:

John Edwards - Champion of the Working Class or Limousine Liberal ?
Is John Edwards the champion for working-class Americans or is he a limousine liberal, whose extreme wealth and expensive taste and indulgences make his promise for "One America" seem disingenuous?You decide. Make your case one way or the other. Be fair!

To be honest the one thing that I found appealing about Edwards at the time I wrote this was his celebrated commitment to his marriage and family and his visible support of his wife who was suffering from inoperable cancer.

Needless to say I was completely floored by his admission to having an affair with Rielle Hunter, a 42-year old film maker, who worked on his campaign.

Answering my own question I guess that his extreme wealth, expensive tastes and indulgences went beyond the marital promises he made to his wife when the two become one before God.
Obviously, he was being disingenuous as he stood before the American people with a straight face calling for his promise of "One America."

Sadly, the story isn't all that different from the one John McCain has in his past with his previous wife before divorcing and marrying Cindy McCain. Only time will tell what lurks in Barack's past that will be launched on the American people for us to stomach before the election.

Are there any candidates of character and principle anymore or are they all living a lie that even they believe is true?

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